Tel. 603-895-9276
The Ranch style home is making a comeback!
Ranch style homes were very popular during the 1950's and 60's, but seemingly fell out of favor in the following decades as homeowners went big, and up - to the second floor.
In recent years though, the Ranch style is again in demand, as homeowners love the unmatched convenience of Ranch style homes. For example:
- A single story means no more stairs.
- Heating and cooling is more efficient and less expensive, bringing your costs down.
- Why overpay on taxes for space you're not using?
- Attached garage allows you to exit your car and enter your house free of the elements.
- Ranch homes generally have an open floor plan, making them feel brighter and spacious.
- Ranch homes are more affordable in terms of construction price.
Call today for more details and to get started on your new home!